Test Your Drinking and Driving Knowledge

The Drinking Driving Quiz!

What is the presumptive level of intoxication{DWI} in most states?

.15 Blood Alcohol Content

.08 Blood Alcohol Content

.02 Blood Alcohol Content

.04 Blood Alcohol Content

A 12 oz. Beer of 4% alcohol is worth what on the BAC scale for a 160 lb. person?n?





Alcohol is oxidized in what organ?





Which test for the presence of alcohol can be used against you in the court of law?

Road side breath test (alkasensor)

“Sniffing” flashlight

The Breathalyzer

Road side sobriety test

Which function is affected first after the intake of alcohol?

Muscular coordination




Preparing Your Teenager to Drive

Preparing Your Teenager to Drive

How to start your Teen in Driver Education: The Right Way!

Is your teenager getting ready to start driving? Or perhaps they just began and your really not satisfied with the progress they have made. How do they apply for a license? What classes does my teen need to take before getting their license? How can we save on insurance?


Continue reading “Preparing Your Teenager to Drive”

Self-Driving Cars: Is this for Real?


Will U.S. Drivers actually trust the Technology?

The technology for self-driving cars is already here. It is being continuously updated and refined as we speak! Matter of fact there are some self-driving vehicles already on our roadways!


Continue reading “Self-Driving Cars: Is this for Real?”

Take this Defensive Driving Quiz!