Self-Driving Cars: Is this for Real?


Will U.S. Drivers actually trust the Technology?

The technology for self-driving cars is already here. It is being continuously updated and refined as we speak! Matter of fact there are some self-driving vehicles already on our roadways!


Self-driving vehicles are divided into two categories:

  1. Limited driver interaction– These vehicles have options that allow it to steer, accelerate and brake with little help of the driver.
  2. Driver-less– This car can take you from your house to the store without the use of any driver interaction. This technology is set to debut in 2019! A driver can be present, but yes even a car with no driver has been proposed and is in the works.

Who will these vehicles benefit:

  1. Disabled people, especially those who work could really benefit from this technology.
  2. Older individuals who have lost reaction time and driving skill.
  3. Bad drivers! There are so many out there I guess that will actually benefit the good drivers.
  4. Lazy drivers! Once again these people are already focused on everything but driving.
  5. Maybe everyone. If the technology is sound  and truly tested, it could save millions of lives.

The cars were designed to make peoples lives easier and safer. The problem is that will Americans embrace it? A new AAA survey reveals that U.S. drivers may be slow to warm up to this new technology. Matter of fact AAA reports that 75% of U.S. report feeling “afraid” to ride in a self driving vehicle.

The questions and costs of self-driving vehicles:

  1. How much will this technology  add to the cost of a new vehicle?
  2. Theoretically insurance costs should go down. But will they?
  3. What about Federal and State regulations of these vehicles?
  4. Will these totally replace Taxi’s and Uber services?

Will the benefits out weigh the questions? What will it take to make you comfortable with the new technology? Should we take a good hard look at  it based on the number of lives it is supposed to save? These are just a few of the questions that we need to have answered.

In the mean time Keep coming back to this website to get all the defensive driving skills you need to become a better driver. OUR RESOURCES page is being continually updated. You can also take an ONLINE DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE right here!

Parents go to our RESOURCES page to get a FREE copy of my new e-book “Preparing Your Teenager to Drive.”

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